Dream Doctors

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Slide Text: A Grin and a Smile, Medical Clowns at HMO

Slide Text: Osnat Moskowitz, Dir. of Tourism, Donor Services and Recognition Dept., HMO

Moskowitz: The medical clown program started as a dream by a generous man in Switzerland who saw it in Switzerland and wanted to bring it to Israel. And from that, a dream developed into a vision for Israel.

We started with three clowns. We have now six clowns at Hadassah. But from this started the bigger picture for all of Israel. And there are almost clowns in every medical center in Israel.

[As Moskowitz speaks, photos and footage of people in clown costumes display.]

Slide Text: Chris and Jerome, Medical Clowns

Clown: We come here in Hadassah for the children. For the families. And it think it’s very, very important you come for humanity and not only the clown[ing] because you have a rapport with the children and with the patients. [We] come in love, enjoying something very special.

Moskowitz: It’s really a way of bringing a way to lower anxiety, to bring a better communication between parents and children, children and the doctors, the doctors and the parents. It really just helps in creating the right atmosphere, where treatment can be given to the kids, even if it’s a painful treatment, in a way that the child cooperates more. And it’s easier for everyone. And it’s done with a smile rather than with a big cry.

Slide Text: Moshe, Medical Clown

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