Praying For Sodom

Abraham Prayed To the Lord

In chapter 18 of Genesis Abraham very humbly, yet with persistency, talks God down to sparing Sodom if there are at least ten righteous people in it. Why did Abraham stop at ten? What was God’s original number that He would have spared the city for if Abraham had not interceded?

While Abraham was very humble in his attitude in speaking with God, yet his requests are very bold. What type of picture of God could cause someone to be totally humble before God as Abraham was, yet at the same time be bold enough to ask God the things that Abraham did? On the one had it takes knowing how pure God is, and on the other knowing how helpless and wicked we are without Him. Secondly, it takes knowing that the true God, the God who created the heavens and the earth, the Lord God, the ultimate Judge, is also very approachable. One that loves to speak with and hear from His children. One who is not offended by our requests. One who longs to give us what is good for us. And One who is loving and does not wish that any should perish.

Sins of Sodom

The Bible says that the sins of Sodom where great and very grave (or serious). The only sin that is specifically mentioned is the sin of Sodomy. Sodomy, also knowns as homosexually, gets its name from this city and from this Biblical account.

Praying for Sodom

What should be our attitude towards those who participate in sexual actions or desires that the Bible clearly warns us against? The example of Abraham are a great demonstration for us, giving us the answer to that question.


Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky shares what the Bible says regarding this subject and uses the example of Abraham to give us an idea of how we should face this issue in society today.

Join as he opens the Bible to see what God things of this subject.

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