
  • Amazing Financial Facts Amazing Financial Facts

    Have you ever wondered what percentage of Americans can cover unexpected expenses of $500-$1,000 from their savings?

    Take this quiz to find out the answer and other amazing financial facts.

  • Don't be Sorry, Save 2 Photo of Two Dollar Bills illustrating the article Don't Be Sorry, Save

    For those caught in betrayal, the new trend is for them to appear on television and, as sincerely as possible, express sorrow for their marital unfaithfulness: Tiger Woods, after the public learned about several of his mistresses,

  • Don't Let Pleasure Make You Poor Don't Let Pleasure Make You Poor

    The wise Jewish King Solomon offered some good counsel. “He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich.” Proverbs 21:17. 

  • FQs for Kids FQs for Kids

    When I was a teenager, the educators of my day believed that your IQ, or your Intelligent Quotient, was the best measurement of not only your learning aptitude, but also how successful you might be in life. 

  • Little Things Do Count Photo: Skyline of New York City

    Twenty-five years ago my wife and I, together with our two teenagers, visited New York City for the first time. It was quite an eye-opener as we travelled on the subway to see walls covered with graffiti, the carriages filled with

  • Love and Money Part 1 Love and Money Part 1: Photo of a roll of dollar bills, with bills of larger denominations fanned out beneath

    We have heard Frank Sinatra croon this romantic ballad—“Love and marriage, love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, this I tell you, brother, you can't have one without the other.” Let us remember that an understanding

  • Love and Money Part 2 Love and Money Part 2: Photo of briefcase filled with 100 bills, with some bills scattered around

    In “Love and Money - Part One” we described the first three of the five financial personalities. They were Susie Saver, Sammy Spender, and Randy Risk Taker. In this article we will describe the other two financial personalities and

  • The Tomorrow Trap The Tomorrow Trap

    Are you a procrastinator? You are not alone. In one study, 90 percent of individuals procrastinated on at least one occasion and a quarter of them chronically put things off for another day. You might have also pondered all the excuses


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