
  • Havdallah Havdallah

    Havdallah means “separation” and is a service used to separate the holiness of the Sabbath from the rest of the week. It separates the day that God blessed from the regular workdays of the week. It is also a reminder to us that there

  • Maccabeats Lead Havdallah Maccabeats Lead Havdallah

    The Accidental Talmudist posted this video the “Maccabeats Lead Havdalah - Partners In Torah Shabbaton 2014.” For those who may not speak Hebrew or understand what is being said, the video distraction provided a nice guide to

  • The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in Making Havdallah The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in Making Havdallah

    The Maccabeats are a wonderful singing group that shares Jewish music with their own special sound. They were joined by Netanel Hershtik in this music video about one of many very special traditions known as havdallah.

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