Exodus 7 - The First Plague: River of Blood
Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky unpacks the profound symbolism of Exodus’ first plague—transforming life-giving waters into a river of blood.
Exodus 8 - The Second Plague: Frogs
Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky as he dives into the fascinating story of the second plague in Exodus 8 and uncovers its deeper spiritual meaning.
Exodus 8: 3rd & 4th Plagues - Lice, Flies & the Land of Goshen
This week’s journey through Exodus 8 uncovers layers of divine justice and mercy.
Genesis 39 Joseph Fleeing Evil
With every test Joseph faced, the Lord was his way of escape.
Parashat Shemot
Parasha for the Week: Shemot: Exodus 1:1 – 50:26
Haftarah for the Week: Isaiah 27:6 – 29:23 (Ashkenazim)
Haftarah for the Week: Jeremiah 1:1 – 2:3 – (Sephardim)