Would You Survive the Holocaust?

Would You Survive the Holocaust?

Many of us have taken personality quizzes of various types online. This video offers an animated personality quiz each of us can take to help determine the chances we would have had at surviving the Holocaust had each one of us been alive in Europe during the dark years of the 1930s and 1940s.

While it is widely known that six million Jewish people perished in the Holocaust, often forgotten are the nearly 5 million other undesirables who also lost their lives for being deemed inferior to the German vision of utopia. This five million number combined with the six million Jews renders to the total loss of human life from the Holocaust to be upwards of 11 million.

Those who also lost their lives besides the Jewish people include priests and other Christian clergy, gays, Romani gypsies, the mentally or physically disabled, Jehovah’s witnesses, Poles, anarchist, various Slavic people, communists, and anyone deemed as resistance or otherwise threatening to the vision of the Nazi regime, and anyone who provided safe harbor or assistance to any of the aforementioned groups.

The term Holocaust is derived from the Hebrew shoʾah (“catastrophe”) combined with the Yiddish term hurban (“destruction”). Roots of the word can also be traced back to the Greek word holokauston, which is a transliteration of the Hebrew word ʿolah, (“burnt sacrifice offered whole to God”).

Perhaps ‘olah most accurately and concisely encapsulates the atrocities of the Holocaust as human beings perfectly and uniquely created in the Image of God were systemically and horrifically sacrificed in the concentration camps, Jewish or not.

You can calculate your own score at the end of the quiz to determine the chances you would have survived the Holocaust.

Written by Erin Parfet


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