Never Too Late: Nazi Hunters Tirelessly Pursue 50 Elderly Auschwitz War Criminals

Never Too Late:  Nazi Hunters Tirelessly Pursue 50 Elderly Auschwitz War Criminals

MAINZ, Germany -- In their search for justice that has endured for decades, the biggest challenge Nazi hunters face is time.

The knowledge that war criminals are escaping prosecution through death by natural causes means their task has never been more pressing.

On Monday, German state police arrested a 93-year-old man accused of being a guard at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Hans Lipschis is the first suspect to be facing charges as part of a drive launched earlier this year to track down 50 suspected Auschwitz guards who are believed to be living in Germany.

Most of those involved in the murder of about 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and still alive will now be in their 90s, a ripe old age for people who carried out one the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity.

But that doesn't stop Kurt Schrimm, director of Germany’s Central Investigation Center for Nazi Crimes. His agency employs 20 people, including seven focusing on the Auschwitz cases.

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